When you're running out of your room because of your belongings, or if you're downsizing to a home that can't hold all of your household goods, it's time to look for another way to store your belongings. If selling off the excess isn't an option and you'd like to be able to access your belongings easily, there's a wealth of storage options available. Unfortunately, some may pose more risks than others depending on how important or sensitive your property is. Take the time to understand your options and ways to make the storage situation a bit better.
What Types Of Storage Units Are Available?
Storage units can range from a basic set of sheds in the middle of town to a well-lit facility with security. A cursory inspection can give you an idea of what a storage facility is trying to do, but take a look at different storage unit types and what you need to check.
The most basic type of storage facility offers storage sheds with basic locks. These storage units are for basic items that aren't easily affected by weather, or for belongings that need to be held for a short amount of time.
Many of the basic storage facilities secure their sheds with a door that is raised and lowered to and from the ground, or sliding doors that are locked together. If you just need to keep a bicycle, some basic furniture or objects that don't hold much sentimental value, this storage option is viable.
For sensitive objects, simply look to the way that the door closes to find the problem. If there are any gaps in the shed or if the door doesn't close with a seal, insects and moisture could jeopardize cloth, wood, papers and other sensitive objects.
These self storage options are also secured with basic padlocks. You could purchase your own lock to take security into your hands, but if there are no cameras or physical security on the site 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, criminals only need to pick a day with not much activity to slowly break into the unit.
Indoor And Secured Storage Facilities
There are, of course, better options if you're willing to invest the money into security. The same shed-like design can be built with sturdy material and a door system that both locks and seals properly. There are also indoor storage facilities that have storage units inside larger, hallways, much like the post office has multiple boxes for personal use or like a locker system.
Either option can be used to keep your precious belongings safe, but don't let good construction and a neat appearance be the only factor that powers your decision. There are still bold criminals that may be willing to break into the facility.
Make sure that the facility has cameras, and make sure that those cameras are recording. Whether due to technical error or lack of attention, it isn't unheard of for an active camera system to run without recording. If no one is watching at the moment or if the security isn't working around the clock, criminals can simply perform their crimes with little risk of being identified.
Climate control is also a big concern that could make indoor storage or advanced storage sheds a better choice. Climate control isn't just to keep things cool, but to reduce humidity that may damage some of your property. Contact a climate controlled storage professional to discuss your storage needs.
Share22 September 2015
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